Childhood Cancer

January 30, 2018

Max Cure’s Advocacy Efforts Against the Harmful Right to Try Legislation

Max Cure’s Advocacy Efforts Against the Harmful Right to Try Legislation The Max Cure Foundation’s advocacy efforts round out our three-prong mission and sometimes place members […]
January 8, 2018

The Max Cure Foundation’s Aggressive Research Mission and Continued Legacy of Support for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

The Max Cure Foundation’s Aggressive Research Mission and Continued Legacy of Support for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Almost ten years ago, Max Plotkin sat anxiously […]
December 23, 2015

Max Cure Foundation’s 2015 Annual Appeal

You are brought into a small room: a doctor, a nurse, a social worker and you. The look on their faces is dire. You can feel the fear building; it is palpable. And then you hear the words I’m sorry, “your child has cancer.” This scenario repeats itself 43 times each day in the United States. In April 2008, my family heard those words about our 2-year-old daughter Alexis. Alexis fought against inoperable and terminal brain cancer for 33 months before passing away in January 2011. Similarly, in May 2007, David and Annemarie Plotkin heard these words about 4-year-old Max. Max now stands as a “poster child” for giving other families hope.
December 22, 2015

The End of Pediatric Cancer Research as We Know It? A commentary on Mathew Zachary’s piece and the Premature Argument that it is “Mission Accomplished”

Max Cure's Executive Director, Jonathan Agin provides commentary on Matthew Zachary's Piece and the Premature Argument that it is "Mission Accomplished."